A position of reading for school and how to get training is a significant choice. A few people choose to leave to school and some others decide to get their training on the web. A great deal of understudies choose to get their training at neighborhood school. Furthermore, some others even don’t know where to get their instruction, when or how to begin their training. At Henry Ford College, they are resolved to assist you with settling on the correct decision for you. In the event that you realize what you need in school training, they can help. In the event that you don’t have the foggiest idea what you need, they likewise can help.
Everyone at Henry Ford College is dedicated to assist you identify and reach your educational goals. The professionals counselors will help you design your lifetime dream through personalized and individualized attention.
- They will help you design your career, degree, trade or technical plan.
- They will help you choose the programs and classes you need.
- They will help you stay on course and help you achieve your goals.
There is Webadvisor HFCC. Have you ever heard about WebAdvsior? It is the web-based interface for Henry Ford’s Automated Network of Knowledge (HANK) and gives a lot of useful tools for students, faculty, support staff and administrators. With WebAdvisor, general college students can do several things such as:
- Retrieve grades
- Register, add, drop and pay for classes
- Get updates on financial aid
Continuing education students can:
- Enroll register and pay for classes
Faculty can:
- Take attendance
- Enter grades
- Get class rosters
Staff and administrators can:
- Get employment information
To use WebAdvisor, the users need to do HFCC Webadvisor login. Students logins are made some times daily by an automated batch process. So, your WebAdvisor login should be ready immediately after you complete the process of enrollment. Faculty logins are made after an instructor is assigned to a current course section in the system. Then, administrator and staff login creation is performed manually. The name your login is produced based on your first initial, middle initial and last name. If you do not provide HFC with a Middle Name or initial, it will not be part of your login. You have to note that every login on the system have to be unique. So, if a login with your initials an surname has already been assigned to someone else, your login will have a number after it to make it unique. If you want to find your exact login, choose the “What’s My Username?” link from the page of WebAdvisor Account information. To find your login name, you need to provide your last name and either your social security number or HANK ID number for identification. If you were lately added to the system and HFCC Edu Webadvisor cannot discover your login name, be patient. Your login will be available within 24 hours.
You also have to note that your login and password are case sensitive. There is difference between uppercase and lowercase letters. So, you need to check to make sure that Caps Lock is not on before calling the IT Services Help Desk with password problems.